Melanoma, tonsil and tongue cancer champion
See your GP. A false alarm is still time well spent.
Peter’s story
Retired journalist and community development volunteer Peter had noticed some blood on the back of his shirt at Christmas time when he was holidaying in New Zealand. At the time he dismissed this as a scratch then noticed blood on the back of his shirt again once he was back home in Carnarvon in June 2018. After tragically losing his female partner to melanoma several years before and having had tonsil and tongue cancer previously, Peter knew it was important to prioritise a visit to his local GP.
In August 2018, Peter had the melanoma in the centre of his back removed. He’s since noticed a large skin cancer on his arm and needed to travel down to Perth for treatment where he stayed at Milroy Lodge, Cancer Council WA’s home away from home for regional cancer patients.
Peter’s advice
‘A false alarm is still time well spent’.
‘Keep covered’.
‘It’s well worth having a mole map done’.
‘See your GP regularly’.
Checking your own skin
Skin cancers can grow quickly, so it’s important to become familiar with your own skin (including skin not normally exposed to the sun) through regular self-checks. Find out the steps and some examples of what to look for.
Consult a doctor as soon as possible if you notice any new or changed spots, moles or freckles. Changes to look out for include shape, colour or size.