Terms and Conditions | Find Cancer Early Website

Terms and Conditions | Find Cancer Early Website

The Find Cancer Early website (Site) is operated by Cancer Council Western Australia (Inc) (ABN 15 190 821 561) (Cancer Council WA). It is available at: www.findcancerearly.com.au and may be available through other website addresses.


  1. Consent

By accessing and/or using the Site, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Cancer Council WA may vary these terms and conditions by publishing varied terms and conditions on our Site. We suggest you check our Site regularly to ensure you are aware of the current terms and conditions.

  1. Privacy Notice

We respect and uphold your right to privacy. For further information regarding how Cancer Council WA deals with your personal information, please see our Privacy Notice at https://cancerwa.asn.au/privacy/

Our Site may use cookies to track site visits and navigation within the Site. If you are concerned about the use of cookies, your browser can be configured to notify you when you received a cookie and provide you with the opportunity to accept or reject it. You may refuse all cookies from the Site; however, some functions may be unavailable.

  1. Variations

Materials and information on this Site (Content) are subject to change without notice.

  1. Site Availability

Access to the Site is offered on an “as is” and “as available basis”. Cancer Council WA may withdraw access to the Site at any time.

  1. Links to Third Party Websites

Our Site may contain links to external third party websites. This should not be construed as an endorsement of the third party, the external site or its content. Cancer Council WA takes no responsibility for the use of third party website links.

  1. Intellectual Property and Use of the Site and Content

Unless otherwise specified, Cancer Council WA owns or licenses the intellectual property in our Site and Content. You acknowledge that the Content is subject to copyright and is the subject of other intellectual property rights and other legal rights (including third party rights).

Apart from use permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), all other rights are reserved.

You may only use the Content for the following purposes:

  • Your own personal use; or
  • For non-commercial use within your organisation, provided you attribute the source of the information and reference any copyright or licence conditions.

You may not modify or alter paper or digital copies of any materials you have printed off or downloaded from the Site.

Cancer Council WA’s logo may not be used without Cancer Council WA’s written permission (with the exception of the use of the logo on Content printed or downloaded from the Site for the approved purposes specified in this clause).

Further, Content is not to be reproduced on a website without written permission from Cancer Council WA.

You may not link to the Site without written permission from Cancer Council WA.

Any requests to use the Content in a manner not authorised by the terms and conditions may be made to Cancer Council WA for consideration.

  1. Prohibited Uses

You agree not to use the Site or Content in any of the following ways:

  • in any way that interferes with the functioning of the Site or other users use of the Site;
  • in any way that undermines the cancer control activities of Cancer Council WA;
  • in any way that reflects negatively on Cancer Council WA or the State of Western Australia (eg. Department of Health);
  • in any way that is defamatory or offensive or harasses any person;
  • for any commercial purpose;
  • for any unlawful purpose or activity;
  • to send unsolicited email messages;
  • other than as expressly permitted by these terms and conditions or in writing by Cancer Council WA.
  1. Disclaimer and Warranties

While Cancer Council WA uses reasonable attempts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the Content, we make no representation or warranty in relation to it, to the maximum extent permitted by law.

The Content is provided in good faith for general information purposes only, and must not be relied upon. It does not take into account an individual’s specific circumstances, is not a substitute for a health professional’s clinical judgment and is not medical advice. It must not be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice from a medical practitioner. Do not delay seeking medical advice because of any Content on the Site.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Cancer Council WA makes no representations or warranties about our Site or the Content, including that:

  • they are complete, accurate, up-to-date and suitable for any particular purpose;
  • access will be uninterrupted or free from viruses; or
  • the Site will be secure.
  1. Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Cancer Council WA is not responsible for any loss, damage or expense whatsoever (including incidental, special, indirect, or consequential damages) howsoever arising, suffered by you or any third party, arising from or in connection with:

  • your use of our Site and/or the Content;
  • any inability to access, interruption to or outage of our Site; and/or
  • loss or corruption of data and/or the fact that the Content is incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date.
  1. Severability

The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these terms and conditions shall not affect the rest of the provisions in the terms and conditions, which will continue in full force and effect.

  1. No Waiver

Any failure to exercise any right to remedy under the terms and conditions will not operate as a waiver of that right to remedy or prevent it from being exercised subsequently.

  1. Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions, together with other documents referred to in it, constitute the entire agreement between you and Cancer Council WA relating to the Site and Content.

  1. Jurisdiction

The laws of Western Australia govern these terms and conditions. You submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts operating in Western Australia and any courts entitled to hear appeals from those courts.

  1. Last Updated

These terms and conditions were last updated on: 8 October 2024.

  1. Contact Information

Any queries regarding these terms and conditions may be directed to findcancerearly@cancerwa.asn.au.